"It wasn't just a life or death gig... it was life and death - emotional. Turned out to be the last time Johnny saw myself or the band play live. He was happy, I was proud. I'm thankful he stuck around so my daughter could meet her Uncle John."Y hoy nos toca presentarles uno de nuestros bootlegs favoritos, Pearl Jam en vivo desde el Santa Barbara Bowl el 28 de Octubre del 2003. Lo especial de este show fue que se desarrolló a beneficio del Louis Warschaw Prostate Cancer Center,
Eddie Vedder

(Descarga disponible por tiempo limitado)
>> Pearl Jam
> Santa Barbara Bowl; Santa Barbara, California
Louis Warschaw Prostate Cancer Center at Cedars-Sinai Benefit / October 28, 2003 
- I Believe In Miracles [original de Ramones]
- Nothing As It Seems
- Immortality
- Fatal
- Thumbing My Way
- Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town
- Man of the Hour
- Nothingman
- Crazy Mary
- Last Kiss
- 25 Minutes To Go [con Lyle Workman / original de Johnny Cash]
>> CD 2: Electric Set
- Love Boat Captain
- Black
- In My Tree [con Jack Irons]
- Hail Hail [con Jack Irons]
- Save You
- Soon Forget [con Jack Johnson en la guitarra y Vedder en el ukelele]
- Better Man [con Jack Johnson]
- Can't Change Me [Chris Cornell solo, acústico]
- Like A Stone [Chris Cornell solo, acústico/ original de Audioslave]
- Hunger Strike [reunión de Temple of the Dog]
- Reach Down [reunión de Temple of the Dog]
- Daytime Dilemma [con John Frusciante / original de Ramones]
- I Believe in Miracles [con John Frusciante]
- So You Want to Be a Rock & Roll Star [con todos los invitados / original de The Byrds]

- viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2007
Pearl Jam & Guests :: Live at Santa Barbara Bowl, California 28.10.2003
Fotografía cortesía Dan Grenough " I t wasn't just a life or death gig... it was life and death - emotional. Turned out to be the l...